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DOn vs DON
by Praveen on Oct 21, 2006 09:21 PM

After watching the New DON I must say while SRK did his best but his romatic image is not allowing him to do complete justice with the charecter.When original was released AB was already established as angry young man and one of the reason behibd his success was his voice .The dialog like gyarah mulko... when SRK said it failed to create any impact ...same goes with khaike paan banaras..since SRK looks more urban and AB was born in UP so he was superb /natural in originl SRK failed here again and Kishore da song also helped the old DON..No doubt original is better ..we checked out the dvd of old don its sold new don is helping the old DON!!!!!.

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SRK pays just tribute to Don