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An advice for Mr. Raja Sen.... STOP watching movies!!!
by Rohan on Oct 22, 2006 01:50 AM

I am unable to understand y this man is trying to misguide the public.. DON DISAPPOINTS!!! What the hell... shuld change their movie review provider i think... Friends I liked this movie very much and find no reason to call it as a flop until an unless people like this gentleman(Raja) continue shouting on blog openly that the movie is not good... Rather its a must watch... full entertainment with no haklagiri effects of SRK. And for those who are going to watch SRK trying to copy Amitabh Bachan... then sorry 4 them.. they will obviously be disappointed as there is a small difference in the story line of the movie which completely changes the whole concept of it... MY RATING FOR THE MOVIE ****

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