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yash raj & srk
by mitras on Jul 09, 2007 04:52 PM

for some reasons srk was not featuring in the recent yash raj banner films - they were banking heavilu on saif and abhisek. with two flops (read that huge flops) within a quarter with these two stars,perhaps it is time for yash raj banner also to rethink that just a yash raj banner automatically does not maake a film hit - u need star power as well - for a good opening and in INDIA, still srk rules the box office in the first 1 - 2 weeks; then after it is the story and direction that will take the film forward.

So here's best of luck to srk and yash raj - they both deserve a hit this time and many more in the future - together.

It is good that srk is realizing that the lover boy image will not hold true always - playing to the NRI crowd and hence the variety is welcome - more so when he is doing 2 - 3 films a year - all you need is a big hit - who knows CHAK DE could be it !!

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Exclusive: SRK in Chak De India