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Bad Stuff.
by sebin on Nov 14, 2006 12:28 AM

Most of your reviews till now were bad and i tended to sympathise with the harsh comments you were getting. But this one on Vasthavam was unbearable. That is why i decided to break my silence, create a rediff id and post a comment. Why this half-hearted effort? Surely the 24 year old Pritviraj playing such a tough role with elan deserved more praise. And Padmakumar who after 2 good movies which didnt fare well at the box office and coming back with another realistic movie without the usual commercial frills deserved more credit than you gave. And why no mention of Babu Janardhanan, who scripted another of this year's best movies, Achanurangatha Veedu. Besides there were two other heroines in the movie who I thought played their parts well, besides jagadeesh who got a well-written comic role after a long time.

I hate criticizing writers but this sure was one poor poor review. Rediff buck up...

For the reviewer...maybe you go in with a frame of mind to critique a movie...and thats why you see it all in a jaundiced eye.go in just for time-pass and try to enjoy it while it lasts...begin the criticism only after coming out of the theater. i am sure you will fare much better.goodluck

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Vaasthavam: Good effort