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Ash offers prayers at Ajmer
by strysh4 on Dec 31, 2006 01:59 AM

India's English Media is a prostitute.... lying naked to all but the Hindus. Secularism suggests that "Dargah" appear before the Brahma temple. This is to ensure that Muslims develop love for the English media. But the media forgets... the true language for the decision makers in Muslim world is Arabic / Urdu in Madrasas. The common muslim is n ot interested in these tactics as they know that it is just a cheap publicity stunt by Media.

And Aishwarya is also trying to increase her publicity among muslims by her "Dargah stunt".

Wherever Bollywood stars are they are nothing but pigs who hog n hog. Any amount of mony will not satiate them.

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Ash offers prayers at Ajmer