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Could not watch overacting
by Nana on Dec 09, 2006 07:45 AM

WHY DO HAVE TO TAKE THIS CRAP ONCE IN EVERY 2 YEARS...I love family films but even there I look for originality and some natural acting and when I see these polished beautiful looking actors I somehow feel this is not realistic family. Only point I disagree with Rajeev here is what makes him wonder Amitabh is such a fine actor...Well he was my all time great actor when I was a kid that is 15-20 years back but how about upgrading your acting skills Mr Bachhan, same old gestures, same old pauses after lines. Can't he simply look at Naseer, Om, Aamir, Robert Dinero and how they try to be different in their films in a more realistic way.. of course it does matter what movie and director you chose and in case of Babul the combination of movie and director simply sucks...Nagesh, Vishal, Madhur, Dibakar please help Ravi Chopda on nuances of direction.....

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