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Babul is not all that good please!!
by Abhishek on Dec 19, 2006 05:22 PM

Well this review only proves that people wud just say anything so that they are read....just because AB is in these days, his Baghbaan was accepted as one of the most sensitive movies of previous year, and Babul has the subject of widow-remarriage doesnt mean we, as an audience should go around saying "its a good movie man, one should go and watch it and cry & feel for the father". Bull****. its not a good movie, not someone like AB and Rani shud be proud of, Salman doesnt care what happens to it and John was just there for the sake of it. All in all it was just a bad movie. Tottally out of date. Completely cliched dialouges. Absolutely insensiive screenplay. And the actual scenes---Oh my god! Lemme tell u i m a complete 'FAN' of AB n of Bollywood as a whole, but im not a dumb fan. I hav been watching movies since i was 3 and i can make out what has gone into making of a movie, and it was quite clear that these ppl ( film crew ) just thot the way Baghbaan worked so will Babul! But hey thats not the case, its not even worth a single watch! Ppl were actually laughin and clappin at emotional scenes.
Dont believe me->Ask anyone at the 1st Sat-nit show at E sqr, Pune and u will know!

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Big B, Rani excel in Baabul