Its so very funny to read the comments posted here. People like Bipasha,Neha and all sex sirens put all their shame into dustbin when it comes to earning money by shedding clothes and exposing thier body to the maximum,and shout if they are harassed.
Being 'free' does not mean in any way that you should forget your culture and values.I personally have least respect for these ladies and don't give a damn if they are harassed or whatever as they are least responsible to our society.So why the society should care for them ? Just because they are Indians ? My answer is NO.
Its a joke that she demands respect.Respect comes naturally no need to demand for it.And its not the first tie she has been harassed I believe.I stay in Britain and people here have all respect for women and please do not ask anyone to respect a night-club girl.That's too much to ask as we are not living in a ideal world.We Indians should stop being emotional about our celebreties and be practical and choose the people who to respect.