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aran-stupidest movie i have ever seen
by praveen on Aug 06, 2006 10:52 PM

hi everybody
saw aran 1 hr back in santhi theatre chennai,it is the stupidest movie i have ever seen,i have never seen a black cat commando with such a big belly like mohanlal,thats the first minus point of the film,second jeeva looks like a kid who is in his teens,black cat commando dress doesnt suit him,3rd mohanlal dialogue in tamil was pathetic,4th there was no good fight sequence in the film all the fight was so stupid,i think producer rb chowdary hasnt spend money to make a good movie he was just trying to project jeeva as a hero,mannnn look at the fight sequence in holly wood movies the trend today is changing,people will accept only good fights,not this kind of stupid thingssss,5th thoise comdians i dont know thier name thier comedy was irritating,6th how many terrrorist are sending this kind of big rocket in kashmir man its so stupid man the black cat guys disable the rocket in 2 seconds hahahahaha,its a shame on major ravi to take such a stupid film,he has shown terrorist as idiotic guys these days terrorists r so smart they dont wear all those mogamudis and all and they dont live inside forest man....7th the worst thing is i bought 50 rs for 100rs,i could had 2beer...

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