A review presents the opinion and thoughts of the reviewer. Based on the experience, eye-for-detail and technical skill, impartial nature, and common sense of the reviewer the review will reflect things that ordinary people like us are not able to see or understand. Otherwise all of us would have been reviewers.
Being said that a review need not be perfect and not all people are supposed to agree with it. SO as a reader you have every right to criticize the review and what you feel about it and the points on which you disagree with the reviewer and why. That is your right just as the reviewer has his right to state his opinions and observations.
But it is neither ethical nor proper to criticize the reviewer. The analogy of the judges and judgment is applicable here. Just as it is considered improper to criticize the judges (one can criticize the judgment), it is wrong to personally attack the reviewer.
I have been reading the reviews written by Paresh for quite some time and I have read most of what he has written. I find you allegation hard to believe and was surprised to read it. May be you have not read all the reviews that Paresh has writte