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Good Review
by Kumar on Aug 14, 2006 04:27 PM

This is really an excellent review.
Keerthichakra is just an average movie.Don't expect anything extraordinary. It's just normal movie with all masalas.It can be well named a Masala Patriotic Tamil Movie(remember RB Choudhary is the Producer).
If it's enjoying a good initial pull Lal's star value is the only reason.See the Tamil version is already bombed at the B.O.
One wonders if the director had really been part of
Indian Army. I really don't understand the role of
Sphatikam George, Shammi Thilakan, Kochin Haneefa, Biju menon, Swetha Menon etc. The only good thing about the movie is the encounter in the climax.

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Keerthichakra: commendable