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by sharpeey on May 29, 2007 10:35 PM

rite so i read your replys and u don't seem to be bothered at all by all the negativity, but honey this is an innate defence mechanism used to avoid such question because you cannot elaborat and justify wat you have done. i'm guessing you were told to act like simon cowel, which is quiet evident, so don't be ignoring it, because it makes u luk like a bigger wimp then you already are, stand up like a man and tell me wat the hell u doing on indian idol acting like a fool, trust me if u explain yourself properly and apologize, people will respect you, even someone like me who has piled up the negative thoughts, can u convince me, because evy one makes mistakes and eveyone has their days, you just seen to have too many and too often.

I'd appreciate it if you would reply back, thnks.

I know as you are reading this you'd probly be angry but hey that just says something else about you.

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Idol talk with Anu Malik!