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Depend less on oil
by abboral boral on Jun 01, 2008 04:57 PM

Dependance on oil should be less from now onwards .The folllowing measures should be taken emediately
1. All the companies including Gov sector shold start pick up service for the employees so that no body uses buses or trains to come to office .Fuel uses can be restricted by at least by 25% in a metro city
2. For shorter distance ,we should use only cycle .Ihis way cycle sales will be more and the cycle Industries will be saved from ruining .10% less fuel uses in a metro city
3.Further shoter distances ,people should walk for at least half to 1 km distances to remain healthy .further 10% of fuel uses can be saved in a metro
4.People should stop any kind of tourism by car/bus/train for at least 2 years as an emergency precaution .Further 15% fuel can be saved for the metro people
5. Vehicles with alternative energy should get started .
6. all cities buses /taxis/autos should be converted to CNG
Now clubing all metros ,we can save 50 % of fuel in India .This measures are urgently required as this will not only save our fuel bill but also will save against pollution and thus we the Indians can play a vital role against Global warming .

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