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pollution free?
by SR Badri on Mar 18, 2008 03:38 PM

Calling this car pollution free is a misnomer. The car is pollution free only with respect to emissions, i.e., no smoke comes out of the exhaust. However, in absolute terms, the 8 hours that it takes to charge it has to be considered. The battery capacity is 200Ah. Which means it will consume 9.6KWh per charge. thats 10 units of power. per month that translates to 300 units. thats the equivalent of running your average washing machine for 85 hours continuously!
so what it is really doing is actually polluting the world invisibly by making the fossil fuel based power stations produce more smoke out of THEIR chimneys!
It might make a good advertising campaign but its the duty of the company to inform people of the real facts and allow them to make an informed decision instead of making them believe they are saving the planet by buying this car...

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