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Lessons from China's recall episode
by chandra pandey on Sep 04, 2007 05:30 PM

As per the author "The problems I see today at the factories are what I saw in India six or seven years ago," . Are these problems sorted out in present time. How can they achieve so much if they are so backward in their approach. If we have sorted out these problems then what is stopping us? We are always reading infrastructure stories of evey real state companies. But it doesn't seems to me that we are near to china in anyway. We have to think about this problem and find out the solutions ourselves. Can't we replicate the Delhi Metro experience in every infrastructure project or better it. We can. From my point of view the chinese are following the philosophy of economies of scale in every venture they are entering. They know that peanuts can't solve the poblems of billions. We are next behind china in terms of population. We may be no.1 in outsourcing or in ITES supply but to sustain such a population, we have to think big in every aspect. We can't become global leaders in economy terms unless and untill we don't become the top class manufacturing destinaton with innovative technology.See the revenue statistics of every IT company. They are deriving maximum revenue from exporting the sofware solutions. Every organisation be it manufacturing or service sector will have to become forward in their thinking. IT companies will have to realize the requirement of Indian companies and cater to this segment. only then they will be able to balance their business rvenue risk.

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Lessons from China's recall tale