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is really India growing?
by Dragon Cares on May 12, 2007 04:49 PM

Hello guys:
I really can't understand on why so many articles saying "Indian economy is booming". Are these people only talking about metro cities or I.T. cities to show "India is developing fast with growing economy"???? Can anybody think about those increasing number of farmers death? can anybody think about how millions of villages are still lack the basic needs? can anybody think of how common man is struggling to meet both the ends in sky rocketing price increase of every basic commodity? Can anybody think of growing number of un-employed people in our country? I think most of us all just living in the dream thinking "India is developing fast" but the reality is just opposite. People living below the poverty line are getting increased every year; gap between rich and poor are alarmingly widening very fast. More cars dont mean that economy is growing; more BPOs dont mean that economy is growing; more IT companies dont mean economy is growing. Hello guys, think about all other sectors where we are going down very fastly. Millions of our people dont hv proper heath care, dont hv access to water, electricity, education, etc.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Exiting a booming India