Reason why Indians want to go out, is coz, inspite of our stupendous growth in recent years, the standard-of-living is nowhere near the western countries.
Infact, i had read an article somewhere, which said that, even though India might become a superpoower in the next 20years, it standard-of-living will not be like that of Western countries (today).
Per that article, India will take approx 100yrs to reach the standards (at ground level), which western countries have today.
It makes sense, with our level of corruption, slow-moving bureaucracy & anti-economic-politics. How can our congested cities like mumbai/calcutta, morph into the newyorks & hongkongs, when its impossible to remove slums, move people etc etc.
It is due to these reasons, that Indians wanna go abroad. I want to enjoy my life now, & not wait for 100yrs, by which time i will be dead.
But, at the same time, I feel that, many indians, especially educated ones, now are thinking twice before taking up a foreign job.
People at the lower level, will always want to go-abroad, coz of their stereotypes.