Couldn't agree with you more. It shows clearly how Indians will stumble head over heels just to leave their own country. Living in the US for sometime now, I am amazed by the degree of patriotism that Americans show towards their own country. They all love America, whether they are happy with its politicians, or its policies or its problems or not. True, the lifestyle is better in US than in India, but they have struggled for over two centuries to be what they are today and not every day in that history has been a fairy-tale. In fact the going has been much much easier for Indians than it was for them.
And then there are Indians - No! There are no Indians! Inside the comfort of our homes, where the true test of patriotism is taken, there are no Indians. Inside our homes, we are only Tamils and Bengalis and Gujaratis and Muslims and Rajputs and Yadavs, blah blah blah, every dimension of divisionism imaginable. Few are truly and patriotically and holistically Indian anymore at heart, except for administrative purposes? Who needs patriotism? India is free right? Now we can all rush to US or Dubai or Canada or wherever else we can go to. And if we can't, at least we can keep trying for our children.
And are they wrong? Not entirely. Does their country care for them? No! Those who run their country - the central, the state, the local governments - they only care for their own relatives or for people from their own caste or community or the people from their own native villages. They have no vision, no mission except "I must fatten my purse for as long as I am in power, like there's no tomorrow." And for many of our politicians, there is indeed, no tomorrow!
How could there be any sense of belongingness left towards our nation. We are dead in national spirit, except for our nepotistic politicians who care about nothing when they siphon off public money as they award overpriced contracts to their relatives, while saying loudly and vocally in the same breath "Is desh ka kya hoga?" Or, at the other end of the spectrum, our businessmen, from the big industrialist, to the filthy rich real estate builder or stockbroker, or the local retailer or the petrol pump owner - big or small alike, they don't think twice when they go through all sorts of creative accounting and Income Tax officer gifting techniques when it comes to paying back to the nation what is its due, their taxes.
After all, in this country, "Whose father what goes", to quote my ex-boss, whom I still remember and respect.