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Don't compare India and US !
by Pradipta Halder on May 12, 2007 05:21 PM

I have been reading a lot of articles about India's so called economic boom. But most of the articles are one sided and they are talking about the IT and BPO industries. These two industries hardly represent the Indian economic picture. We have stopped talking about our education,medical,infrastructure, and other things which determine the development of our society. In these sectors India is no better than the poor sub-Saharan African regions.We should stop comparing everything with US or other 'developed' western countries. We are far behind than China in all ythe developmental aspects and we are also behind most of the developed ASEAN countries. Even countries in transition economies like in the eastern Europe (Estonia, Hungary, Poland....) are far better than us in social standards and infrastructure. If we have to compare with some countries then I think we should compare with these countries. There is no glory in saying that we are the largest democracy. When more than 60% of the population cannot read and write and in the rest 40% people are good at only writng their names, there is no meaning of democracy. All corrupted people are taking the benefits of all the development fruits and majority of the population are living in the dark.

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Exiting a booming India