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fuzzy citizenship
by nadia sani on Jan 17, 2007 11:41 PM

Firstly I doubt that there are any political loyalties amongst Indians abroad for the simple reason that few concern themselves with politics even in India,otherwise there would be a radical sweep of politicans brought to account.Secondly double citizenship is common in Europe and Latin America:Italians,Spanish & Portuguese among those who regularly have double citizenship.Italian politics is influenced by Italians outside.Even with double citizenship they can vote in any national election.They even have a regular political party with 2 seats in Italian Parliament!They're loyalties are perhaps worth questioning since in these countries the people themselves can and do influence politics.
Indians in the US are there for economic reasons, politically Indians are NOT active - they are not used to having a bearing on the politics of their country, if they vote in the US they are sure they won't be harassed or beaten and that finally their vote counts.

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Fuzzy outlook on citizenship