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impressive article by sai
by ajit viswambharan on Aug 15, 2007 09:56 AM

A touching article on the eve of the Independence day. After the first lot of clean politicians and citizens no body has understood what is freedom and what is democracy. Even the so called literates and todays elite the bollywood class and the neo rich forget that it stands for "For the people, of the people and by the people". That means for a democracy to succeed the people should own up tremendous responsibilities to deliver within the moral etchics. Todays ethics in India is how rich you are no matter how you make it. Its a shame that our people openly crticise our father of the nations the great Mahanatma. This only shows how little they know about themselves and India. Cry my nation, Cry. I still have tremedous hope that our future generation will turn out to be better and wisdom will prevail and India will earn its past glory and will have a tryst with destiny.

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