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by suraj on Aug 15, 2007 11:15 AM

India of 1947 and India of 2007, nothing changed remarkably, except another attire, named corruption has been put on.
In the remote rural only the schools should remind them of the independence day.
Let all Indians be free from their hypocrisy
why wait for 2020, by 2010 it would be super power.
So many have given their life for the nation, we are not ready to leave our selfishness, for the country.
We have entered the new economic era in the race to become wealthy state.
With justification for all our actions against the national interest.
Going abroad, after studying in the Indian schools,
I am not recognized here in India.
My earning would be invested in my homeland.
Wealthy can share their wealth through employment with the least ones.
The same NRI . Would he apply the same ratio of the turnover as salary, with which he was paid. Even if he intended his fellow business men would not allow.
Why before independent, even after independent, both in political , social and administrative fronts there are living heroes who place their loyalty to the nation against their selfish interest, who are fondly remembered by others. Their stories may not be successful ones to be in the chronicles, but they would be in the hearts of many.
All the religious leaders have lived for the common good.
Even as atheists many are living for common good , for them their own soul and intellect does not require external catalyst to live

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Could we have been worse off in