I like to list down the problems faced by India today.
1. Over population - Ideally India should have had not more than 25 crores but now has over 110 crores. Nehru is responsible for this coz he didnt heed to JRD Tata's advice when he said 40 crores was too much. Had the govt implemented 2 per family, we wont be so bad now. Time for all of us to have only 1 child.
2. Political leadership - India has lacked leaders to guide us out of corruption and poverty.
3. Public sector - The worst sector when it comes to accountability or provide essential services. The only way to move fwd will be to privatize all the PSU's.
4. Education for all - Every child born in our country should have the right to education whether rich or poor.
5. Attitude of us commoners - We all have to take resposnsibility for the growth of our nation. No use only to blame politicians, beurocrats. We should pay correct taxes, follow the rule of the land, keep our colonies, streets and roads clean, follow traffic rules, discourage corruption at all levels.
6. Infrastructure - govt should engage only the pvt sector to develop basic infrastructure like roads, water, drainage, electricity, transport network
7. Improve the health sector - Ensure the poor have access to the best health facilities in India
8. Encourage the free flow of FDI in all the sectors. It creates employment for millions and raises the indian middleclass. When the purchasing power increases the overall economy grows