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Fashionable to say we were better off in 1947
by VishwaRakshak on Aug 15, 2007 01:36 PM

there may be many things lacking in post-independence period, but freedom is still something that we do not value still we miss it.

true, it has not reached all sections of society, but still, you will know the value of freedom only if you have lived in a society where there is a hierarchy of castes or gundaism or of any other type and there is no way to escape.

i have spent a few years in a place where i have felt it and now, know what it would be to live under somebody's thumb for the whole life.

the fruits of freedom have definitely not reached all layers of society. if we could achieve it, it would be true development.

i have also spent a few years in a developed country and to me, development does not mean spanky buildigs and nice roads.

it is a place where there is least difference between what is prescribed in system and what is present in reality.

where even a weakest member of society can look to the system for protection if he or she is in trouble.

and when a lowest earning member of society, if he or she works full 8 hours a day, can have enough to live peacefully.

this kind of development is light years away from us, but, still anyone who says that we are worse off than in 1947 is an idiot.

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Could we have been worse off in