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Today's generation is a hungry generation!
by maureen lobo on May 17, 2008 10:51 AM

That is absolutely true and actually so and they want to move ahead. These young brains have all the knowledge and the knowhow to proceed but the older lot are holding on blocking their view and from proceeding further. We all have to live and let live but for heaven's sake do not over live thereby causing a blockage for the younger ones who are waiting and wanting to come up in life and rightly so as they have the brains as I said, they have the character, the vision to improve the world and make it a better place to live in. No doubt they do need guidance to go ahead, but can they wait? definitely not and for how long. They do not want to spoil their vision and what they can do the betterment of the world where black, white, yellow, red all can live together making the world a cleaner and yet a better place to live in with patience, politeness, cleanliness, tolerance of religions etc.
Hats off for today's generation who have the vision and should be allowed to go ahead with their dreams provided all this is in the right direction for the betterment of the world.
The poor are often looked down upon - why? because the rich want to get richer without any pity or consideration for the poor and marginalised. Needless to say the Rag pickers who keep the cities clean, even their children want to improve themselves and go ahead with the little knowledge of education they are provided with and blessed with in their poverty and patience to improve. Their view should not be blocke

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