i am happy to see the article as it gives real picture of biotech in India.It is very disheartening to see that the academic institutes cheat students in the name of biotech at B.Sc and M.Sc levels.They just fill their pockets with high course fees with no basic infrastructure and faculty.Most institutes just show the student on paper how the experiment is done,instead of actually carrying it out.It isn't easy to teach such a subject which is more of hands on training, facing real life challenges and designing experiments.It is not a subject to be taught on paper and board but carried out on bench, just as surgeons get trained.I hope students find out the details of wet lab facilities and faculty before enrolling for such courses.Also Ph.D in biotech is not financially remunerative in India with just 8-10,000 Rs per month that too if you have fellowship from CSIR or UGC.So think before you decide...