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become a self starter
by Parag Bhangale on Oct 22, 2008 01:43 PM

the kind of jobs in biotech companies are few considering recession,but the business opportunities are tremendous. the issue is classical, everyone passing wants to take up save heavens...nooooo is my response. be a self starter. you are a professional in your field. identify various biotech products, internationally and here. study the missing gaps. try for projects that are more labour oriented than technological oriented. remember there is a silver lining in every black cloud. give your small enterprise a minimum run of 1000days.... keep on mastering the field by meeting, discussing with more technocrats, they will give you sooo many newer ideas. have conviction on a few identified areas. Let me give you an examples-- we all know Mehendi has a good market. Do you know that instant colouring mehendi(without chemicals) can give you billion dollars overnight!!! how about developing an instant Jatropa like plant that will release crude oil in larger quantum and immediately.. trust me, there are many many unique ideas like this to be explored. please dont follow the sheep mentality. Indians are known to be different, more technical and more workoholics. push in your efforts in the right direction... remember to realise every sweet dream, one has to give it sincere time and efforts, and me truely believe that there is no short cut for success. Forget the instant Maggi noodles, lifes not all about every thing is all about hard sincere efforts

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?