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Think before u select the course
by Jai Richard on May 17, 2007 07:55 PM

In India, except for a few premier institutions like IISC, MKU, CCMB, NCBS, TIFR, JNU etc there are no other great institutions offering excellent facilities to train a student in Biology. Now, every college have these specialized courses like microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, bio-informatics etc even though they do not have any proper infrastructure or facility to conduct even basic research. These courses attract gud capitation fee and that is why the college managements are interested to start these courses. If you study in these ill-managed institutions then you could never think about trying for a job abroad as you would not have got exposed to the real advancements in these specialized fields. If you have a plan to work after your post graduation in a related field of your study then do not opt for these subjects. If you could wait patiently till you finish your PHD to reap the benefits then you stand a gud chance as pharma R&Ds are recruiting more PHDs rather than M.Scs. Otherwise getting a job in India or abroad is tuff. I had gone through this. I did a Master's in Medical Microbiology in one of the 5 top best medical colleges in India and did not get a job for a year. Luckily I got the job as Genetic toxicologist in a Pharma R&D in India which is no way related to my studies. They recruited me just based on my expertise. Now I decided to change my field from these subjects and doing a PHD in Cell Biology in France. I advice all students to think well before taking this big step in their career.

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Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?