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RE:really really very very TRUE
by on May 18, 2007 04:39 PM

N for me it was my passion for this field from the period when i first read about biotech n its applications about 5 yrs back....due to no scope in future my friends dropped the idea of doing PG in biotech...instead they r thinkin abt MBA but i don wan to drop my interest for the biotech....these r the thoughts which haunt my mind whole day....but one thing i know is tht im passionate abt it but i don know wht will happen in future if the scenario remains the same.....i don wan to end jobless...can u give ur advice on doing computational biology after my PG. N some even say tht after ur PG go for drug designing u can get jobs but reading these articles i wan to be sure n wan to hav full info abt as to wht im doing will help me to fetch a job or not....

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?