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RE:No Future in Biotechnology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by chinmaya on Jul 01, 2007 11:59 AM

Hey Prashant I am also a student of Btech biotech frm Pune's DY patil... Our college students of 3rd year have been placed in well reputated companies. But one thing is for sure and i completely agree to u on that point. the point is that if one is completely intrested in biotechnology and doing a lot of research and earning 10000 to 15000 pm then only he/she shuld join biotech. Biotech is a research field.

Yes it is also true that everyone cannot go to US, UK or Australia but India also have some compnaies... To name a few companies like Mahyco seeds, Monsanto Seeds, Ranbaxy, Biozeen, Biocon to name a few... They accept biotech students...

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?