Shocking, isn't it .. biotech should not be there bacause there is no such thing actually called biotech. I must say its a gimmick, that lures you into a state of ambiguity and frustration.
i am not insane, i am not the blasphemist who retaliates teh conventions, but i am also not knaive and so is not everyone else who takes up what we call biotech. I feel i was more precise and oriented when i was in biotech, now that i did it i am confused, because M.Sc biotech seems to be as pot-pourrie of so many myriad subjects that when you end the course you dont have a clue what is your specialisation. You are trained for nothing,what does an it sector requires a dumb box with 512 RAM 80 GB harddisk, that would cost about 25000/ bucks and lots of brains. What BIotech requires , for a simple experiment say a routine pCR some 2000 bucks, its costly affair, you need to have an infrastructure. To be honest rare have it. So what do we loose here, lets be rational, a brain which could have been a touchstone of rationality, is now a seat of disgust and anger. Pay 2 lacks get a Software degree, 4 years of clumsy study, get a job that supports your family for 4 generations.
Pay donation take up a course in biotech and land up nowhere, who will do te justice.
Biotech sectors comlplains of manpower, scientist complains of funds and incompetent students. Students complain of limited opportunities, poor vacancies.