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Biotech boom -- but where are the jobs?
by gbc tilak on Jul 06, 2007 11:40 AM

Dear Associates,

In continuance to my prior message dated June 19, 2007.

Biological technology is technology based on biology, particularly when used in agriculture, food science & medicine. It means any technical application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use. Few decades back it was primarily used in food processing, agriculture industries & recent past it was successfully exploited in recombinant DNA as well as tissue culture area (medicine).

We usually observe great deal of conversation & capital being transferred into our topic assuming bright hope to bring remedy. But there seem to be petite number of remedies; in general biotech revolution has not happened in the pharmaceutical sector. How ever, recent progress with monoclonal antibody based drugs, such as Genetech%u2019s Avastin %u2122 suggest that biotech may finally have found a role in pharmaceutical sales.

It unites disciplines like botany, zoology, chemistry, physics, mathematics & common sense, which are in turn coupled to sensible disciplines like engineering. One can look at red biotechnology (medical processes), grey biotechnology (industrial processes), green biotechnology (agricultural processes), blue biotechnology (marine & aquatic applications) and modern biotechnology also finds promising applications in pharmacogenomics, drug production, genetic testing & gene therapy (but currently attractive only

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Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?