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Aspiring Biotechnologists
by gbc tilak on Jun 19, 2007 02:32 PM

Dear Friends,

In continuation to my earlier message dated May 26, 2007.

Every one will have two professions on completion of their education, first one is academics and other one will be industry. If someone is interested in basic research please prefer academics and the one interested to have fatty salaries; then prefer industry. When you are in academics you need to lead standing in the front with good number of publications under your name and need to stick long duration at given responsibility; but some one choosing industry then you should be innovative in doing things better with speed as to stand as achiever & your education is just a qualification to obtain some title under your name.

Today education is business; please judge the best course you fit comfortably & do not compare your salary with your associates. Only way any one can grow in career is to start work at basic level and grow experiencing the difficulties that come your way; some one doing the prior said will have professional satisfaction as well as can obtain enough maturity to choose best available prospects at that point of their life as no one can expect future dynamics of technology business.

Our education qualification has minute role & it is the ability that will fetch us better work, so please don%u2019t feel disheartened.


Bharat C Tilak

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?