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The examination system is loaded towards mugging
by pradeep agarwal on Jun 13, 2007 05:49 PM

The system of assesment based on 3 hrs of entrance test completely overlooks the grades in boards.This has lead to heavy dependence on these coaching classes who makes you go through the pattern of papers for a particular exam over & over again.The coaching centres at Kota & other metros are a great example of how seats in few institutes of repute are cornered by students preparing over their & ignoring class room studies.The products of such a system are total failure in industry where they are found lacking in commonsense & emotional quotient.This has also created shortage of good women technocrats as parents can't send their daughters to these centres for coaching as against boys who can stay in Pg's & cram round the year & make it in IIT,IIM's & AIIMS.How else can the institutes of merit otherwise justify very low percentage of girls making it to IIIT & IIM's whereas all Boards have only girls as rankers? The government should put an end to this by allowing more technical colleges to come up through large corporates & also have one IIT & IIM at every state capital. We already have an army of vegetable technocrats who excels only in academics with no interest in other faculties of life.The time has come to reduce pressure of only studies on children & make them all rounders.

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Are coaching classes necessary?