Mr. Sachin Sheytye, What the hell do U mean, when U say, "respect our national language"? Some of the users like me are not comfortable with English; another few are bad at it. So, people like me post their comments in the language they are good at. By the way, does the usage of a language other than the so-called national language signify any form of disrespect? As a matter of fact, only people like U divide the country by branding the citizens as South Indians, North Indians etc and eventually disturbing the Unity (among Indians). I am a Hyderabadi (situated in the southern region of India) and I call myself as an Indian (I am proud to be one) and not as a South Indian. Indians located in the southern part of the country use the resources. Fine, but so do U. The bottom line is: Get your act first, before U jump to comment on someone else.