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when to rent, when to buy
by SRG on Aug 08, 2006 03:46 PM

You have adressed a very relevant issue faced by most of us; In my opinion one should start thinking about buying a house when the person is in early 30s when they are likely to have accumulated sufficient margin; One should never buy a house in small towns if they do not have plans to settle their and it is just for investment purpose. Some time we tend to buy a house at a location we can afford at that moment without thinking about future salability of the property; this should be avoided; It is better to buy a small house in a metro rather than a bungalow in a moffusil place; Alway try to buy two small places which are adjacent to each other rather than buy a single big place; through this you will rental income to pay the EMIs; If you have a transferable job then it is better to rent during initial years;

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When to rent, when to buy...