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Rent or Not?
by mohan on Aug 09, 2006 02:36 PM

I agree to some extent with the the veiws expressed therein.But not all are correct. Few of the assumptions are too abject and nonsense to be discussed. For ex: "If you have been paying Rs 6,000 as rent every month, that is Rs 72,000 every year. Over the years, it amounts to a tidy sum that has no benefit for you at all." How far is this correct.Does the writer intend to say that we do not derive any benefit by paying the rent.If it had no benefit at all why would anyone go for a rented house. If you see, we spend approximately the same amount or more towards the food bill per year. Do we moan that we spilled so much amount because it all had gone as waste next day.No, we don't, because we survived for a year, so also, if we have paid 72000 towards rent for one year it means that we bought the dwelling for one year, so that was the benefit we derived. So hence forth do not even attempt to write such things. Go and ask a businessman, which one will he prefer? He will definetly prefer to say that he prefers to pay rent.


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When to rent, when to buy...