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RE:when to rent, when to buy
by SRG on Aug 09, 2006 12:29 PM

MS. ANAMIKA, I think you should take a re-look at your expenses. Though you are not paying much towards rent in my opinion your other expenses are way too high for your level of income. Is there really a need to incur phone bill of Rs 3000. You can go pre-paid, Do you really need a car as well as a bike? These kind of introspection would pay off in the long run. I disconnected my mobile after I started incurring montly bill of Rs 600/- and this is just for indulging in chatting. By waking up half an hour earlier than my regular time I am saving Rs 500/- each month which other wise would be spent on rickshaw. In the long run it is better to save than be sorry

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When to rent, when to buy...