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RE:i need help
by JoJo on Nov 12, 2006 10:55 AM

Hi,just by your words I could tell that you really need help to cope with what you are going through. Maybe by hearing a bit of what I went through might help. I'm a 24 yr. old guy who once lived as what I use to think was heaven and yes, it all disappeared. She took my dreams and along with that,my SON. As much as I begged her to come back, she didn't. It's been 2 yrs. I still live alone, haven't seen my son. Do I miss her? yes. Do I want her back? NO, not at all. Love hurts, it can and it will make people suffer, yet that is not it's intention. That's a weakness we all have. So why does this happen? To make you strong. Life has taught me lots of things, this is one of them, use your weakness to make you strong. All these people know what I'm talking about we all went thruogh it. Does it get to us thats easy now if someone leaves us. I DONT THINK SO!!! At first we cried, that was then but, now our feelings are stronger. If your boyfriend left for a while, it's ok, he wants to test his real feelings towards you but, always be prepared if he doesn't come back. The keyword to this, is , PATIENCE. Trust me, time is doing is job. So is God!!!!!! Soon, you will be happy! Smile always

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I survived heartbreak!