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Warnie as cocah.
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:55 PM

ppl were suggesting Warnie as coach of Inia..

not a bad choice since he has impressd on n all!

but wot abt warnie himself who bashes coaches all the time and states tht thrz no need for coaches in the highest level?
he stated Ian Chappel 'A coach is jst a person who gets on the bus and travels wd the team and at the end of the day comes back in the same bus wd the rest of the team'..

it wud be funny to get Warnie's comments if he is approached for being the coach of India..
i> a person who has impredd all n sundry wd his coaching, captaincy..
ii> a person who states thrz absolutely no need for coaches in the hghest level and bashes even Buchanan.

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