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RE:Only Aussies performing
by All Right on Jun 01, 2008 11:52 AM

That's fine, but I'd invite you to seriously relook at the title of your comment.

I take it that you feel the following have recently taken up Aussie citizenship:

Asnodkar, Gony, Dinda, Raina, Gambhir, Sehwag, Jayasuriya, Dravid, Tanvir, Pathan, Takwale, Trivedi, Rawat.... and many more... :-)

No wonder Australian immigration is enraged... without their notice, you have conferred too many Aussie passports for their liking... ;-)

As to Olympic Golds, there are many countries who pick up Olympic golds, and many who don't... this is real world.

I don't think Bill Gates ever won an Olympic gold...

I think I made my point.

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