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Dhoni bashers need to do some soul searching
by Ashish Kumar on Jun 01, 2008 12:20 PM

I am surprised why some people in this forum still hate Dhoni. He has done everything right so far. He has won tournaments all the time against all expectations. Many pass his performance as a piece of good luck but shd not they really ask themselves whether one can be lucky all the time. Are these people unhappy because success of Dhoni has undermined the career of Dinesh Karthik? Though it is true, has not it served Indian cricket well? Or is it that we are so sick that we care for regions only and not for the country. A number of contributors need to do some serious soul searching. To me, Dhoni is a cool but no-nonesense man. He expects everyone to deliver and does not want anyone to keep failing and remain secure. And to this end he does not care whether the person is a Sachin, a Dravid, a Ganguly or a Fleming. Should not the things be this way only?

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