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RE:What is the carbon footprint of IPL?
by Sanjana Mohta on May 18, 2008 04:36 PM

Oh plz, Mr. Gopal Krishna, just spare rediff atleast from your psycho-pseudo environmental trash. You are everywhere, books, mags, journals, conferencers, blogs...just get outta here.

U keep posting the same shite incessantly day in and day out using your comp..Instead u make a point once and end it there. See how much carbon u save!

And allow me to get some practical sense in your head. Consider this. Estimate the carbon footprint of the entire IPL. Divide it by the number of people for whom it is pure entertainment....say atleast 5 Mn!! So what do you get per head?? Tiny miniscule amount which would be less than the electricity consumed by you in your incessant posting.

And don't u start abt RDF ..

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