He's great man than any other captain India has produced(not a comparision)...during 80's with that kind of strike rate, not much modern techniques & resources, good fielding(which need to be admired especially in Indian team that too during 80's), & ofcourse the bowling...who has the skills with leadership qualities...forget about all these ...who has got the worldcup for India...other than GREAT KAPIL...our hero... & last but not least..they were not paid like these...not much money thru advertisements,.they worked hard to get & reach those kind of miles...it has to be SALUTED...than any other Indian players...(its the fact..not a comparision)...today..you play one cricket match score a 100(doesn't need to know bowling...& not much with fielding)...but still u will be a hero on/off the field (for nothing)...so being greatest during that period (80's) is greatest EVER....