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RE:Dhoni will win 2011 WC for India singlehandedly!!
by Maheswari on Jun 04, 2008 01:01 PM

Dhoni should improve his qualities and to start to work for Indian team. Mainly, he is depending upon the other players to perfom. Ofcourse, he got money for his life time. Not like Sacin. But to remaining in the team, he is expected to do something in his own name. He should remember the opener srikanth is dropped from the team when he is top. Nowadays he is also not keeping the wikets as wicket keeper. Then constrate on the play. There are so many young bloods are waiting in queqe to find place in the Indian cricket team. beware Mr.Dhoni. Nobody bigger than game. Leave your ego, and learn to respect the seniors. wind will not always bow in one direction.

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