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1983 World Cup win the best ever by Indian
by Effortless on Jun 04, 2008 12:24 AM

The 1983 world cup win was perhaps the biggest cricketing moment in Indian cricket history especially for transforming Indian cricket forever. Until then, Indians were not even considered serious ODI team but that win turned everything head on and suddenly India were truly on world ODI stage. At that time good fielding was not even considered a requirement in Indian cricket but due to extraordinary fielders like Kapil, Binny, Madan Lal, Sreekant Indian fielding could compete against the best in the world. Kapil's outstanding catch (he made it look so easy) that he took by running almost 25-30 yards in the direction of the ball is still etched in memory. At that time it was pity that Doordarshan (or boredarshan),being the only TV station in India chose not to telecast some key moments of the game due to strange reasons. Nor could we watch the majestic 175 live on TV due to strike by TV crew. The 1983 winning team deserve all the kudos for one of the greatest triumphs in Indian cricket history.

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Kapil''s 175 best ODI innings ever