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RE:Pots and Kettles
by raj on Jan 09, 2008 04:38 PM

true. but if only they accept it. the whole worlds' joining the chorus , including dickie bird to remove bucknor, there might be a few against it - but its more like they are trying to say india's trying to dominate world cricket. but, the point is no other test team had to endure so much nonsense in one test match.

but, sadly, if only the aussie team would give it a semblance of a respect to say that "yeah, yu've been at the recieving end of some pretty unfair decisions". but , they chose to stoke the fire. i see plenty of trolls around the board, toying around with people's rage, just cos they are good with english, while sadly not many here are on the indian side. i wish our wordsmiths would come around for some verbal jugglery and stick it to them too :P

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It's about justice, not world domination