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by Srinivas Mandalika on Jan 16, 2008 06:07 PM

I think you make a good point, Calvin. 20-20 is a hit and giggle.
Folks should not deviate from the actual issues being discussed. Its ok to have sledging, bad decisions, integrity questions raised, racism charges, abuses such as ba...d, not walking when ur out, claiming catches when they are grassed.. All this is just part of cricket... "test cricket".. yes that's what aussies really care for. Lets all of us stick to that and respond and discuss that issue rather than the 20-20 giggle.
Im just wondering if you'd be as vociferous in calling 20-20 a giggle if aussies had won it? Its just taken off sometime from now now if it becomes as popular or ahead of 1 days.. wd u still say that ? ..I dont think anyone can answer that in positive as of date. If you do then I smell sour grapes.

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