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Make up your mind, Mr Panicker.
by Bhuvan Azad Jain on Jan 09, 2008 09:41 PM

First you say :

"Firstly, it is a fact (which, over the past 24 hours, I got confirmed by independent sources) that Harbhajan Singh, during Australia's recent tour of India, called Andrew Symonds [Images] a monkey. "

And then you go on to say :

"We believe, we will swear to on a stack of Bibles topped off by a Gita, that if Bajji had in fact said what he is alleged to have said, Tendulkar would not have sent that SMS to the board."

if there's one person who needs to make up his mind, it's you mr. panicker. it's unfortunate that this whole debate should be made into a Nationalistic, Us V/S Them Battle.

Also though i agree with some of your arguments, as an Indian, i wish you would have argued them in a more sophisticated manner - u sound like a school kid trying to retaliate criticism by your class enemy. Quite contradictory, unfortunately, to the title of your article.

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