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by Calvin Corser on Jan 09, 2008 05:56 PM

Can people stop throwing the 20-20 thing out there please. As much as Australia did try and win it and didn't, we hardly cared much about it, played basically no lead up games, have no history playing it at all.

Australia and every cricket nation puts test cricket as the top prioity, 1 dayers next, and 20-20 is a bit of fun for the players and spectators alike.

But it not's very important to the players, any players. They would take the test and 1 day titles any day of the week, and I know the people throwing out the 20-20 thing all the time, would take either of those over the 20-20 title as well.

India won the 20-20, good on you, you deserved it. But please respond to the topic at hand, which isn't 20-20 hit and giggle.

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